Sunday, 30 December 2012

Top Ten Tips For Gates And Fencing For Australian Homes And Shops

The fence and gate together form an integral part of any home or business. They essentially mark off the boundaries of the premises thereby ensuring no encroachment takes place while providing security from undesirable elements. They also serve an aesthetic purpose, making the premises look visually appealing and enticing. Gates and fences in Australia have their own unique considerations due to the climate, way of life among other factors. With that in mind here are ten tips for gates and fencing for Australian homes and shops.

·      Local regulations: Find out about any local regulations or rules regarding the installation of fences and gates to avoid troubles with the law.

·      Planning: Ensure you do your planning thoroughly, have a mental map of how you want everything to be located and its relation to its nearest neighbor.

·      Ground Preparation: Prepare the ground on which the fences and gates will be installed, ensure that it is as flat and level as possible and free of any unnecessary debris

·      Installation: If doing the installation yourself, follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. The instructions are meant to enable you install them in an easy way so try and observe them

·      Maintenance: Some fences have higher maintenance requirements than others, keep this in mind as you decide which material to use and where to use it at.

·      Shop Around: Ask around the local suppliers to get a feeling of the costs of supplies, this will insure you against being charged exorbitant prices by unscrupulous individuals

·      Self Delivery: Try and deliver the materials to your home personally, this will save you money which may have been charged to you as a delivery or transportation fee by the supplier.

·      Contractor: Use a contractor, contractors do this sort of installations on a daily basis and therefore have a wealth of experience which you can draw from.

·      Climate: Consider the local climate, e.g. in Australia heat fluctuations mean you must leave room for expansion and contraction of the materials

·      Common Sense: Use your discretion, plan things in a logical manner and keep this logical thinking throughout the process.

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